How did Japan-Russia relations begin ?

Putyatin family crest (Shimoda museum)

Hi Alex ! What do you think this pic ?


Double head of eagle….and the flag…Is the some of Russian crest ? But….right man is Samurai !!!! What is it ????


Yes, it is Russian crest !! This is Putyatin family crest. This crest has a deep relationship with Japan-Russia. I will introduce this relation !!

Sea of Okhotsk (From Wikipedia)

Russia expanded territory and reached sea of Okhotsk・Kamchatka. In this flow, contact with Japan was inevitable. About 18 century, some Japanese drifted at Russia territory. They were helped and send to Moscow. They met Peater the great. Some of them were Japanese language teacher.

After Russia knew the existence of Japan, they were aiming to trade with Japan and more expanding territory.


Trading with Japan was the most important factor for Russian in Kamchatka.


Without economic foundation, it is meaningless to expand territory.

Admiral Putyatin(From Wikipedia)
Frigate Diana (From Shimoda museum)

Reparation of drifters was continued, many Japanese came back Japan or some of them were Japanese language teacher in Russia too. In 1792, Laksman visited Japan with Japanese drifters to return them and trade negotiation. But the negotiation was not successful.

Japan-Russo relationship began in earnest following the arrival of Putyatin in Shimoda in 1854. His missions were to conclude a treaty about border and trading with Japan. In this time, Japan-Russo’s border was not determined.

The negotiation were difficult. To made matter worse, in 23 December 1854, Shimoda was hit by the tsunami caused by the big earthquake. His flagship Frigate Diana was wreck, but Russian helped Japanese who injured by the disaster.


No luck …..


But thanks to the Russian, some Japanese were saved.

Chorakuji Temple

After a number of difficulties, Treaty of Shimoda was signed in 1855 at Chorakuji Temple. So Shimoda is known as the starting point of Japan-Russia rations.(The content was almost same as the Convention of Kanagawa)

But his flagship Diana sunk. They lost the ship to return. So Japan-Russia jointly build a ship to call for help from Russia.

The ship named “Heda”. The name was Japane where thes ship was built. Putyatin and some soldiers were to return to Russia and call for help. Finally all of Russian could return.

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Putyatin’s achievements are great. He was gave a title and the crest by Tsar. Russian sailor and Samurai are depicted on the crest. It means he played a major rule in Japan-Russia relations.


A lot of drama in this crest !!


I was also surprised at this crest !!

About US-Japan rerationship is bellow.


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