JSDF Type 74 in Toyokawa

Type74 with Sakura, left is Type61

How many Japanese tanks do you know?

This Type 74 is a major tanks in Japan after WW2. It is exhibited in Toyokawa base.

105mm gun
Type 61, 90mm gun

In cold war 1945~1989, Japan was a member of West. Japan was facing the Soviet Union across the sea . Especially Japan was focusing on the defense of Hokkaido. Japan was afraid of Soviet army landing on Hokkaido. So Japan developed domestic tank (First time rented from USA).

Rival T-72, It started of production almost same time. (the pic from Wikipedia)

First Japanese domestic tank is Type 61 in 1961. Type 74 is the successor, it productid 1974~1989.

Type 74 has 105mm gun and inclined armor, it was trend in the time.

The almost same time, T-72 started of production. So they are rival !

characteristics suspension (the pic from Wikipedia)

Type 74’s total production is 873. Now they are old, so some of them retired.

But over 200 is used now, and defense Japan 🙂


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