Japan has many ships. Is it carrier ?

It is helicopter defense destroyer “Ise”. Some people call it “Helicopter carrier”.

Why does Japanese build this ship?

To use effectively and large scale anti submarine helicopters. And has flagship function^^

Ise is second ship of Hyuga class. This class is first time ship that JMSDF build “carrier” in 2009(Hyuga 2009, Ise 2011). Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force(JMSDF) is based on Japanese Navy. After WW2, JMSDF has various ships. But do not have aircraft carrier, almost DD(Destroyer),small and sub ships. With the developing of technology, the stealth of submarine has improve, so JMSDF build this class.

Submarine….U-boat…..Sea wolf…….

Japanese navy had serious damage in WW2 by American submarines too…. So JMSDF focus on anti submarine.

wide deck !! and big body !!
Ise has some missile launching system, so if Helicopter find enemy sub marine, she can attack herself weapons.

Weight 13,590t, long 197m, wide 33m. Max helicopter capacity is 11.

Ise has high class medical system. So when serious disaster in Japan or other country, she can rescue people by helicopter, and care in ship. This class can be said to be a symbol of the new era for JMSDF.

( I want to say “new era for Japanese Naby”….)