Japan has many castles.

Yes, but there are few existing since creation. Many of them were destroyed by Meiji government or B-29…… This Inuyama castle is known as has the oldest castle tower since creation.

Inuyama castle was build in Aichi Inuyama in 1537. First castle owner was Nobuyashu Oda, he was Nobunaga’s uncle. In Sengoku era, castle owner changed one after another. The current appearance is formed in 1617(Edo era)by Masanari Naruse who was vasal of Ieyasu.

Let’s go up to the castle !!

Yes!!! Tothugeki !!! Banzai !!!!!!

Steep stairs ! It is difficult to climb. Why stairs is so steep ?

Castle was built for battle. So stairs is steep.

There are few furnitures. Did the owner live in there ?

Usually, castle owner did not lived in castle tower(Tenshu). Tenshu’s roles were command post and last base. So almost spaces was used as armory or sniper point.

How great view !!

It means, you can see enemy movement fast ^^

In the Wake of Meiji revolution, Inuyama castle was abandoned. The castle has many cates and walls, many of them were dismantling. Only Tenshu and Ishigaki were exciting. In 1935 Showa era, the castle become national treasure. And the castle was privately owned 1891~2004.
Some people call this castle as “Hakuteijyo(Baidicheng)”. Hakuteijyou is in China, this castle is known beautiful castle before 2000 years ago.

various appearances

In the early edo era, the appearance are armor. In the late, formal Kimono wear. You can see the background of the time.
