Japan has many world heritage, this Nirayama Reverberatory Furnace is one of the it, isn’t it ?

Yes !! Japanese call it “Nirayama Hansyaro”.

But, who built it ?

It was built by Hidetatsu Egawa in Edo era.

Hidetatsu was born in 1801. His family was local magistrate, and his father too. He was genius child, he learned Europe study, surveying, sword, medicine, artillery , botany, and etc……
He took office local magistrate after his father died in 1835. He helped people by his property, frugality and spread the smallpox vaccine.

What is this pic ?

After took office, he patrolled his territory with Yakuro Saito who was friend and swordsman. They punished criminals. This pic was painted by himself.

He could do anything !!!

In edo era, Tokugawa Japan banned foreign trading expected China, Korea, Dutch (it called Sakoku). But late edo, European countryies and America want to trade with Japan, and get interest. So Edo government ordered to attacked them.
In 1837, Japan attacked American trading ship Moriison. It called “Moriison incident”. Japan could repel this ship, but cannon did not reach this ship.
In 1840, China defeated in battle of Opium war. It was shocking for Japan.

Japanese military was not developing since battle of Osaka in 1615, it was last of battle in Japan.

Hmm…no one thinking about war in peaceful Edo era. It was happy, but dangerous condition.

Hidetatsu knew Europe had long range and high performance cannons. So he thought ” If foreign country did armed negotiations, Japan could not do anything. Japan should learn latest technology, knowledge, and weapon from them.”
In this time, Hidetatsu was moving as sea defense pioneer, and learned latest knowledge. He developed latest cannonball, national army in his territory, made bread as ration.

He is known as first Japanese who made bread and spread.


In 1853, he ordered to develop “Nirayama Hansyaro”. His perhaps was producing latest cannons in Japan. But in 1855, he died before this building was completing. After that, his son completed it in 1857.
He left many great achievements for Japan.

How great man !! He is hero for Japan !! All of Japanese people know him !!

….Well….before WW2, Japanese school must taught about his achievements….but after WW2…. they are deleted in text book….So few people know now……

…….What is the history class in your country for?