Oh, it is seaplane ! Did you make it ?

This seaplane model was made by my grandfather over 15 years ago ^^ My grandfather like seaplane !

I see ! How this plane was used ?

This plane, called Zerokan(Pete) was used as scout. But it could do anything ! I introduce this plane !
1.What is concept of Zerokan ? ~almost seaplane fighter~

Zerokan was one of a seaplane that could used on battleship and heavy cruiser, the kind of the plane called seaborne plane. This type’s mission were scout and artillery observer. Zerokan was developed as “”Type Zero Observation Seaplane” in 1940. Japanese called it “Zeroshikikanzokuki, Zerokan”, The concept was
“Having good flexibility and stability as fighter’s ability”

Why it had fighter’s ability ?

In the mission as a scout, there was a possible to fight enemy plane. So Japanese Navy required to have fighter’s ability.
2.How was used Zerokan in WW2 ? ~as multiplayer~

In WW2, fleet battle was few, it was the age of airclaft. So Zerokan’s main mission was not artillery observer, it used in fight, aircover, bomb. Zerokan had high air combat ability, it could wan F4F, even P-38 and F6F.
Zerokan received high praise, it was produced over 1,000.

Seaplane was useful. It can be used in small island that can not build runway.
3.Late years

In late years, Japan lost air superiority, and many ships were sink. Seaplanes lost their sky. Many pilot transferred bomber. Zerokan used as training plane or inshore anti-submarine.

My grand uncle belonged as a instructer in this Amakusa airbase.

I want you to introduce about your granduncle sameday…..