Have you ever seen Battleship ? What is famous battleship? Yamato ? Iowa ? Bismarck ? Battle ship Mikasa is the only remaining battleship in Imperial Japanese navy .
Mikasa was born 1902 in England Vickers company, the owner is Japanese Navy.
In this time, Japan and Russia were in conflict in Korea and Manchuria for expanding there territory and economy.

Mikasa Joined Russo-Japanese war(1904~1905). Mikasa’s greatest success was Battle of Tsushima,. Mikasa joined this battle as flagship, Admiral Togo took command at the ship.
The battle ended in a big victory in Japan, and turning point this. In this battle, Mikasa had hit and lost her rear must.
After joined some war, Mikasa was preserved as a memorial ship (1926).

Mikasa was respected by Japanese people. But after WW2, Mikasa injured as “defeated country’s ship”, even Japanese ( I hate this movement….).
Many naval man were hearted, even other countries. The Admiral Nimitz is one of them. He fought as American admiral in WW2, but he respected Admiral Togo. Thanks for him and many people’ cooperation, Mikasa is reburned.
It means “friendship and respect are crossed sea”.
